Linda Halcomb's Blog

Just another weblog

The Family January 18, 2010

I wanted to share photos of my extraordinarily supportive family. I couldn’t do this without their patience and companionship.

My husband Ken is the good-looking one without the pointy ears. I am holding Boo Boo, our first and the love of my doggy life. Because of her "goodness" all the dogs have found a kind and loving home. We lost her four years ago. Daisy was our second and is Daddy's dog. She is 12 years old and is a dancer. We call her Tutu Tail.

My husband Ken is my rock, my cheerleader and my best friend. He gave up our dining room so I could have a studio and gave up part of our exercise room so I could have a gallery (used to “stage” shows – not for sales). For years, before being diagnosed with stage 4 cancer,  he transported and hung paintings for my shows and for the Watercolor Society of Indiana. He patiently attends openings, receptions and lectures. He has packed my paintings and carried the heavy stuff. He entertains and cares for the dogs while I am in classes or workshops. He is generous, funny, smart and extremely good looking.

Little Bear, a 14 year old, 5 pound toy Pomeranian died in my arms in August, 2011. She is hiding out behind a music stand I use for an easel. Sassy and independent she LOVED napping on Daddy's lap.

Our dogs are our “in-house” family. We are both on second marriages and we have so much fun and get so much love from our furry friends that our life would not be complete without them. All of our dogs are rescues.

Buffy and Baxter help with the laundry. Both are pedigreed Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. Both came from puppy mills.

We have had three adopted from the Humane Society and two from the Cavalier USA Rescue group. All are different, all are older and all are ONLY CHILDREN.  Independent, communicative and spoiled!

Baxter waiting for a squirrel to raise its sassy head.

Baxter is our newest, the only boy and the youngest at 4 years old. During his second year he was in 5 “homes” – an Amish puppy mill, a kill shelter, a home that decided not to keep him because the owner loves cats and Baxter thinks they are made to chase, shake and bake, a foster home and then our home. All of that and he is normal, well adjusted, confident and a real love sponge. Anyway that’s the gang…oh yes, I also have three beautiful daughters, six grandchildren and two great-granddaughters. Life is good!

My oldest daughter, Christie, has two sons. Scot is married to Kelsy and has two young daughters – Hayden and Layla. They are our Honey Bunnies.

Four Generations! (first row) Scot, Grandma Honey Bunny (me - Scot coined the name after hearing me call Ken "Honey Bunny"), Kelsey, (second row) Hayden, Christie and Layla

Christie’s youngest son is married to Emily and is serving in the US Army Infantry. Just returned from Afghanistan, he is currently stationed in Germany.

Alex and Em

My daughter Heather has four children. Her two daughters Elizabeth and Amanda are in their early twenties and are stuggling with the horrible job market. Her boys Ian and Jakob are in 8th and 9th grade and are facing all of the uncertainties and social challenges associated with that age group. Ian is an artsy type and had one of his artworks exhibited in the Indiana State House when he was in 6th garde.

Ian, Heather, Elizabeth and Jakob - Amanda's always on the move - hard to catch her for a photo

Kimberley married her love this summer in a beautiful wedding at the Indianapolis Museum of art. Pretty Girl is their love. Bet you would never guess she was a cat!

The wedding couple in front of Robert Indiana's original Love sculpture on the grounds of the IMA

That’s my gang. Hope all of you are lucky enough to have family as your best friends.


5 Responses to “The Family”

  1. delightsgal Says:

    Linda, you have a lovely family. Your husband reminds me of mine: my biggest fan. So happy for you. Your watercolors are so pretty…just like you said in your statement…definitely a brightspot in my day. take care, trina

  2. Linda….Love reading about your family. I also have all rescue animal friends.

  3. Marie Says:

    Linda, it was delightful to meet you Tuesday afternoon and I would appreciate it if you would send me a direct email so that I can “talk” to you in more detail. Your website, your paintings, and your philosophy are so inspirational to me.

    Best to you,

  4. Quizoxy Says:

    Just got awarded with the Kreative Blogger Award and I nominated you for one of my favorite blogs to visit! Check out the post I made and pass it on with your favorite bloggers! Have fun!

  5. Hopeje Says:

    I hope your husband is better and wish you all to bein good health and enjoy life

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